Thursday, March 22, 2012

Counting Blessings

A few days ago I posted regarding my busy calendar.  And then the very next morning some unforseen circumstances occured and I suddenly had a free calendar in order to deal with the situations that became priority.  I have now had a few days to think about, consider, and reflect upon the blessings surrounding me. 

Everyone is okay, that was the first blessing I could count.  Life just hit a rocky road with a cloudy future.  I am a very organized person, and luckily fairly flexible, however this giant jolt has made me pause faster than I usually do.  This bumpy path I am now on has allowed me to drive a bit slower and pay attention to what is directly in front of me.  The freeway driving has ceased for a bit as I detour to handle the situations at hand.   

I am so fortunate to be surrounded by so many strong, caring, resilient individuals.  They step in and take over, immediately reacting without question or request.  I could not find success without them by my side and will always treasure the relationships I have with them.  It is difficult to find honest, trustworthy people who lift you up with constant inspiration.  But I have truly been blessed, as I have several in my life.

So, in essence, I put a question out into cyberspace regarding how to handle the incredibly overflowing plate I had before me.  In return, I was provided with time to increase my energy level and focus on the moment.  The decision I made to clear my calendar would not have happened for my own personal needs, but as I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, I am slowly learning through the week why the universe provided me with extra time.  And so I am counting my blessings and I am thankful for the opportunity to gather my thoughts.


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